All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 30 of 50 in total
Mom Was Dead and Dad Did It - With Shelly
This week's Decent Human Being is author Shelly Edwards Jorgensen. Her story is about her mother's murder. Other topics include alcoholism, domestic violence, sexual a...

I Have Dyscalculia - With Michelle Steiner
This week's Decent Fucking Human is Michelle. Her fucked up story is about growing up with a learning disability called dyscalculia. Other topics include bullying, sha...

My Mother Was Brutal to Everyone - With Paula
This week's Decent Fucking Human is Paula. Her fucked up story is about being raised by a toxic mother who tried to murder her as an infant. Other topics in this episo...

An Unexpected Gift: An Update From Amy Thurman
Warning: Producer Dan couldn’t make it to this episode, so please don’t turn it off when you hear Scott's voice first. Also, note that this is not our usual format - i...

That's When My OCD Went Into Overdrive - With Simon
This week's Decent Fucking Human is Simon Rinne. His fucked up story is about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Other topics in this episode include alcohol abuse, ...

It Was a Very Lonely Childhood - With Kelli
This week's Decent Fucking Human is Kelli Murbach. Her fucked up story is about quiet trauma. Other topics include chronic illness, loneliness, and depression. Kelli’s...

I Just Couldn't Not Drink - With Katrina
This week's Decent Fucking Human is Katrina Lelli. Her fucked up story is about alcoholism. Other topics include bipolar depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts/ide...

I Felt a Lump On the Side of My Throat - With Bill
This week's Decent Fucking Human is Bill Lee-Emery. His fucked up story is about surviving throat cancer. In 2022, Bill was diagnosed with throat cancer. He was a heal...

I Felt Broken - with Melanie
This week's Decent Fucking Human is Melanie Verstraete. Her fucked up story is about toxic relationships. Melanie had six step-dads by the time she was 21. You might ...

I Heard Myself Say 'My Daughter Just Died' - With Tonje
This week's Decent Fucking Human is Tonje Wyn-Jones. Her fucked up story is about the death of her 18-month old daughter from SIDS. Tonje was on a business trip when s...

I Lost 12 Loved Ones in 22 Months - With Lisa Marie
This week's Decent Fucking Human is Lisa Marie. Her fucked up story includes compound grief, life-changing deaths, death from disease, death from cancer, and death fro...

I Found Out He Had a Child With Another Woman - With Julie
This week's Decent Fucking Human is Julie. Her fucked up story includes infidelity, depression, job loss, gas-lighting, and her (now ex-) husband fathering a child wit...

A Lifetime of Self-Hatred - With Jackie
This week's Decent Fucking Human is Jackie. Her fucked up story includes growing up in poverty, sexual abuse, teen pregnancy, alcoholism, drug use, (barely) surviving ...

I Survived the Columbine School Shooting - With Heidi Johnson
This week's Decent Fucking Human is Heidi Johnson. Her fucked up story took place in the school library during the Columbine massacre. Topics in this episode include m...

I Didn't Tap Out - With Jorge V Gonzalez
This week's Decent Fucking Human is Jorge V Gonzalez. His fucked up story started when he suffered a life-altering back injury at work. Topics in this episode include ...

I Have Been Asking for Help for Six Years - With Harris Eddie Hill
This week's Decent Fucking Human is Harris Eddie Hill. Their fucked up story is about overcoming trauma and helping others heal. Topics covered in this episode include...

Internally I Was Really Struggling - With Carleigh
This week's Decent Fucking Human is Carleigh. Her fucked up story is about living with undiagnosed bipolar disorder. This episode contains talk of self-harm and suicid...

I Can't Do This Alone - With Uncle Satan
This week's Decent Fucking Human is Uncle Satan. His fucked up story is about anxiety and teenage drug/alcohol abuse. I'm having a hard time not naming this episode Un...

He Would Do Everything He Could to Get Me to Cry - With Marie Miller
This week's Decent Fucking Human is Marie Miller. Her fucked up story is about emotional abuse and non-consensual kink. Marie is a fascinating woman. She’s been part o...

I Was Born With a Cleft Lip and Palate - With Christine Errico
This week's Decent Fucking Human is Christine Errico. Christine was born with a cleft lip and palate. Her first of many surgeries was when she was only two months old...

I Woke Up One Day to the Sound of a Gunshot - With Andy Turner
This week's Decent Fucking Human is Andy Turner, author of Who Turned Up the Silence. His fucked up story is about grief, secrets, false accusations, and fighting back...

I'm Not the Same Person I Was When I Left - With Sean Young
This week's fucked up story is about trauma, addiction, and recovery.Sean Young is a combat veteran, has enough ex-wives that I lost count during the episode, sports a...

She Handed Me a Pink Slip - With Angilie Kapoor
I wasn’t sure about doing an episode about someone losing their job when Angilie first reached out. We’ve done episodes about terminal illnesses, murder, and stalking,...

I Wanted to Lose Weight, That Would Make Me Better - With Libby Supan
Libby Supan grew up considering the letters f, a, and t to be the building blocks of one very bad word. A lot of us felt that way though, didn’t we? During my childhoo...

Lots of Childhood Trauma - With Dana
Lots of childhood trauma is what Dana came on to talk about. Not just childhood trauma, but lots of childhood trauma. He said he suffered his first traumas in the womb...

Spiritual Awakening in a Five Guys - With Desi
Desi grew up in the house with the juke box. Didn't we all have a friend like that? Sometimes they had a juke box, other times it was a pinball machine. The only thing...

Don't Let Anyone Tell You How to Grieve - With Patrice
Patrice is lucky. You might not expect me to to describe any of our guests as “lucky”, especially one who came on to talk about the devastation of losing the two most ...

I Was Born an Addict, I'll Die an Addict - With Eileen
Eileen Tull grew up a theater (theatre?) kid with feelings of superiority, at least in part due to her religous morals. Sobriety was part of her personality until she ...

Growing Up Black and Queer in Texas - With Mike Brown
This week’s Decent Fucking Human is a man I admire. That might not sound like much considering anyone who earns the title of Decent Fucking Human has my admiration, bu...

Living Out the Long Haul of Grief - With Aly
Aly Bird is a Decent Fucking Human and author of a book called Grief Ally. Want to guess why it's called Grief Ally? It's because people don't know how to best support...