He Would Do Everything He Could to Get Me to Cry - With Marie Miller

This week's Decent Fucking Human is Marie Miller. Her fucked up story is about emotional abuse and non-consensual kink.

Marie is a fascinating woman. She’s been part of a backyard circus where she learned to do the Russian Ladder trick, performed blacklight theater in a Lovecraft piece, and did a hell of a lot of other cool things that Dan and I would have loved to explore further. We kinda had to address her trauma though, because she wasn’t here to talk about the fun stuff. She was here to talk about overcoming trauma, and Marie’s trauma was her experience with non-consensual kink and the emotional abuse she suffered during her marriage. Maybe she’ll come back and host a podcast on the network and we’ll get all her stories later (Marie, hit us up). 

Marie met her now ex at 24 and thought he was a “condescending asshole.” Naturally, that meant she should cast him as the lead in a production she was working on, fall in love, and move to Australia with him in short order. All of that sounds pretty cool and probably happened because she wasn’t in a great place in life. She’d recently been assaulted and was very vulnerable. When they moved to Australia, she didn’t have a job or support system, and didn’t even recognize that the relationship was becoming abusive. 

At first, the move was like a long vacation. She hiked a lot and tried to make the best of it, but it was extremely isolating. She couldn’t work because she didn’t have a work visa, and it was before the days of Zoom so it was harder to stay connected to friends and family back in the US. He didn’t necessarily invite Marie to move so she would be isolated from loved ones, but it worked out quite well for him.

It was in Australia when the emotional abuse began. He’d spend hours belittling her and breaking he down. It was terrible. When they moved back to the States, the non-consensual kink began. He’d do anything he could to make her cry, and when she did, that’s when he’d initiate sex. 

There’s a whole lot more here, but my favorite part is when we get to the positive. Marie got out. She started dating, she started working on herself, and she started healing. Today she’s a Theta healing practitioner and owner of House of Kellen. Give her a follow on her socials (@houseofkellen) and reach out to Marie if you’re interested in learning more about Theta healing.

Topics Discussed:
  • Marie's experiences with non-consensual kinks and emotional abuse.
  • Her journey in the theater and circus communities.
  • The dynamics of abusive relationships and the impact on self-perception.
  • Moving to Australia and the challenges faced there.
  • Marie's involvement in kink communities and its relation to her personal experiences.
  • Healing and recovery through Theta Healing and community support
Episode Participants:
  • Terrible Scott (Host)
  • Producer Dan (Host)
  • Marie Miller (Guest)
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Wanna Tell a fucked up story or be the first to get a Decent Fucking Human Tattoo? Send us an email at podcast@positivelyterrible.com

Creators and Guests

Producer Dan
Producer Dan
Producer Dan has ADHD, a smart, hot wife, and a great kid that drives him nuts.
Terrible Scott
Terrible Scott
Terrible Scott has 3 cats, 1 dog, and a podcast. He lives in Chicago. And he feels whole.
Marie Miller
Marie theater veteran who's performed in a backyard circus. She's now ThetaHealing practitioner and owner at House of Kellen.
He Would Do Everything He Could to Get Me to Cry - With Marie Miller
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