I Was Born With a Cleft Lip and Palate - With Christine Errico

This week's Decent Fucking Human is  Christine Errico. Christine was born with a cleft lip and palate. Her first of many surgeries was when she was only two months old. She detailed the bullying and discrimination she faced in various stages of her life, including in the workplace.
  • Notable Quotes:
    • Christine Errico: "I always felt broken... I just wanted to not get bullied... to be myself."
    • Terrible Scott: "I would tell [12-year-old Christine] that we just talked on video over audio... for her to realize just how far that you've come."
Episode Participants:
  • Christine Errico (Guest)
  • Terrible Scott (Host)
  • Producer Dan (Producer)

Mentioned Resources:
  • Smile Train: A global organization mentioned by Christine Errico for supporting those with cleft lips and palates.
  • Christine Errico's TED Talk: Discussed during the podcast as part of her advocacy and awareness-raising efforts.

Creators and Guests

Producer Dan
Producer Dan
Producer Dan has ADHD, a smart, hot wife, and a great kid that drives him nuts.
Terrible Scott
Terrible Scott
Terrible Scott has 3 cats, 1 dog, and a podcast. He lives in Chicago. And he feels whole.
Christine Errico
Christine Errico
Christine is a certified life coach who helps people living with a cleft lip and palette build confidence.
I Was Born With a Cleft Lip and Palate - With Christine Errico
Broadcast by