I Lost 12 Loved Ones in 22 Months - With Lisa Marie

This week's Decent Fucking Human is Lisa Marie. Her fucked up story includes compound grief, life-changing deaths, death from disease, death from cancer, and death from an accident.

You can probably tell by the title, but Lisa had a rough couple of years. Rough is probably selling it short – maybe I should call it a fucked-up couple of years. It started with the death of her niece, which while not ideal, was not entirely unexpected. She’d been in and out of the hospital for her entire life, and it wasn’t a given that she’d live into her thirties like she did. A week later, before she could really grieve her loss, she learned that her father had a cancerous brain tumor. He died 7 months later…then 14 months later her mom died…then 2 months after that her son-in-law died...and in between that 8 other people died. Like I said, it was a fucked-up couple of years. 

There were times during those two years when it wasn’t even about who to grieve, but what to grieve. Her dad gradually lost his physical abilities before he passed away. Her daughter’s life was no longer the same. She had thousands of losses during that time, not just the twelve people who passed. 

Lisa is a Decent Fucking Human, and Lisa is experienced in grief. You could probably guess what comes next. She's taken her expertise and used it to help others. She's now a life coach, inspirational speaker, podcaster, and author. You know what they say, when life gives you obscene amounts of death in a short period of time, make lemonade. I think that's how it goes...


Book a consultation on her website and get her eBook How to Support a Loved One Who is Grieving by signing up for her emails.   

Listen to her podcast and other speaking engagements.

See everywhere else you can find her on her Linktree.

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Creators and Guests

Producer Dan
Producer Dan
Producer Dan has ADHD, a smart, hot wife, and a great kid that drives him nuts.
Terrible Scott
Terrible Scott
Terrible Scott has 3 cats, 1 dog, and a podcast. He lives in Chicago. And he feels whole.
Lisa Marie
Lisa Marie
Lisa is a Holistic Life Coach and host of the podcast Because We Love - Finding meaning after loss
I Lost 12 Loved Ones in 22 Months - With Lisa Marie
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