I Laid in Bed 23 Hours a Day for a Year

At the start of 2014, Amy Thurman was your everyday Decent Fucking Human. She was a wife and mom with a career, and she lived life with a brainstem you would not have described as “sheared,” and a neck you would not have described as “broken.” Let’s just say that her circumstances were about to change — and not for the better. 

What happened? Amy fell - or maybe it's better characterized as fainted - while at home and wound up with a sheared brainstem and broken neck. There's more though, and I'm not talking about the part where we skip to the happy ending. No, things got worse before they got better. Doctors did not diagnose Amy with these injuries immediately, so it was 6 months before they even discovered her neck had been broken. There's more too, but she explains it better than I do in the episode.

Amy spent 23 hours a day in bed because of her injuries for about a year, and had started planning to take her life when she decided to do what Decent Fucking Humans so often do - survive, thrive, and tell her story and help others tell theirs.

Creators and Guests

Producer Dan
Producer Dan
Producer Dan has ADHD, a smart, hot wife, and a great kid that drives him nuts.
Terrible Scott
Terrible Scott
Terrible Scott has 3 cats, 1 dog, and a podcast. He lives in Chicago. And he feels whole.
Amy Thurman
Amy Thurman
Multifaceted entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and Decent Fucking Human. She's a triple threat, if not more.
I Laid in Bed 23 Hours a Day for a Year
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